Announcement News and Events

CT Centers for Independent Living – Tech Coach Program

Did you know the CT Centers for Independent Living (CIL) offer a Tech Coach Program?

The program is a supportive and empowering initiative designed to bridge the digital divide and enhance the tech skills of individuals with disabilities. We offer personalized coaching sessions led by experienced coaches who specialize in assistive technologies and accessibility features. The benefits of joining the program include:

  • Help you learn how to set up and use smart devices
  • Learn to navigate the internet and social media
  • Learn how to take online classes
  • On site or remote tech assistance with follow-up
  • No cost
  • Empowers individuals to combat the challenges of ever-growing tech advancements
  • Access telemedicine appointments with your doctor

Contact the CIL that covers your town for more:

  • Disabilites Network of Eastern CT, 860-823-1898, Videophone: 860-255-4190, New London and Windham County
  • Center for Disability Rights, 203-934-7077, Videophone:
    203-680-3967, Greater New Haven County, some of Middlesex county including Shelton, Cromwell and Southington.
  • Independence Northwest, 203-729-3299, Videophone: 203-490-2372, Northwest, CT.
  • Access Independence, 203-502-7418, Videophone: 203-916-9012,, Fairfield county
  • Independence Unlimited, 860-523-5021, Videophone: 860-724-2742, Greater Hartford Area

Who can participate?

The Tech Coach Program serves All people with disabilities in Connecticut.

Announcement News and Events

CTTAP Has a New Logo!

The CT Tech Act Project was established in Connecticut in 1992 and for 31 years we have used our original logo and tagline ‘Achievement Through Technology’.

Old CTTAP logo from 1992 - 2023

But times change, trends change, and we know technology changes very quickly! This year the CT Tech Act Project Advisory Council decided it was time to modernize our look and feel. This included updating our logo to a more relevant look that better reflects our current mission, that is more versatile and adaptable and will endure for many years into the future.

Connecticut Tech Act Project logo

We maintained the color purple, but utilized a deeper, royal purple and have added orange to create a nice pop of color and contrast. The graphic elements to the left of the program title are intended to be active, dynamic and bold, reflecting our mission as Connecticut’s Assistive Technology program – the central place that individuals with disabilities, family members, educators, employers, and professionals turn to for Assistive Technology supports, programs, services and resources.

We are excited about this new look and to have also updated our website to reflect our new colors and logo. We also streamlined the information to give visitors to our website easier access to the information and resources they are looking for. You can visit our website at You will begin seeing our new logo throughout our website, social media and print materials. Rest assured we are the same small but mighty program with a great new look!

General News and Events

What is Assistive Technology?


(Reprinted from AT3 Toolkit,

An Assistive Technology is any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities (P.L. 10-34).

This broad definition means that assistive technology is anything that helps someone do something they couldn’t do because of a disability or functional limitation.

Assistive Technology can be:

  • Homemade or store bought
  • Used “as is” or modified
  • Range from no cost to expensive
  • Require no training or months of instruction

Examples of Assistive Technology include:

  • Tennis balls placed on walker legs to make it easier to glide over carpet
  • Paint used for wayfinding or as a memory aide – “Follow the blue line to the cafeteria”
  • Text-to-Speech software that reads text to an individual with a print disability
  • Assistive Listening devices that improve hearing. Devices include personal amplified, FM, Infrared, and Bluetooth systems as well as audio induction or hearing loop
  • Speech Generating Device used to facilitate communication using a device to generate words and messages

AT Toolkit, a container with a variety of lower tech items, such as high contract keyboard stickers, communication board, ergonomic grips, and more


Assistive technology services assist in the selection, acquisition, or use of assistive technology.

Assistive Technology services include:

  • Evaluation of the assistive technology needs of an individual with a disability or older adult experiencing functional limitations due to aging and evaluating the impact of providing AT and AT services in the appropriate environment
  • Purchasing, leasing, or otherwise providing for the acquisition of AT
  • Selecting, designing, fitting, customizing, adapting, applying, maintaining, repairing, replacing, or donating AT devices
  • Coordination and use of necessary therapies, interventions, or services with assistive technology devices. For example, services associated with education or rehabilitation plans and programs
  • Training or technical assistance for an individual with a disability, a family member, guardian, advocate, or authorized representative
  • Training or technical assistance for professionals who serve individuals with disabilities, employers, or others providing services to employ or assist with major life functions
  • Expanding the availability of access to technology, including electronic and information technology Act.

To read the full AT Toolkit, visit the AT3 Center Publications page