Advisory Council

The CTTAP Advisory Council is comprised of individuals with disabilities who use assistive technology (AT), family members or guardians of individuals who use AT, and representatives of agencies concerned with advancing the use of AT. The Advisory Council will provide input and perspectives regarding the AT Act federal grant and resulting statewide and comprehensive activities implemented by the Connecticut Tech Act Project.

AT Council Chair & Members
Dr. Lauren Tucker, Ed. D., Associate Professor, SCSU

Gary Allen
Community Member

Kendrick DeJesus
Independence Northwest

Nicole Feeney
NEAT Center at Oak Hill

Eileen Healy
Independence Northwest

Vicki Kowaleski,
Community Member

Lori-Lynn Chatlos,
CT Department of Labor, Commission of Workforce 

Dianne Marquez
Russell Library

Jodie McElwain-Rodriguez,
Community Member

Amy Norton

Liliya Pantus
State Unit on Aging

Patricia Orozco
Dept of Developmental Services (DDS)
Amy Rubin-Mindell
Meriden ATECH
Laura Spencer
Bureau of Rehabilitation Services 
Shannon Taber

UCP of Eastern Connecticut

Sheldon Toubman
Disability Rights CT

Viviana Toure
Department of Education,
Bureau of Special Education

Christiana Tyma

Smita Worah

Erin Zanavich
Bureau of Rehabilitation Services 


Upcoming meetings:

Meetings are held from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm primarily virtually through Teams. If you are interested in attending as a member of the public, please RSVP to 860-803-0588 for meeting location or link, agenda and other details. Dates are subject to change.

  • Tues. Jan 14, 2025, 10 am

  • Wed. April 16, 2025, 10 am

  • Wed. July 16, 2025, 10 am

  • Wed. Oct 15, 2025, 10 am