AT for Older Adults

Helpful resources for Older / Aging adults in CT to improve access to Assistive Technology devices & services along with other supports. 

  • AARP Events in CT – AARP is here to help you take on today – and every day. From sharing practical resources, to holding fun activities and events, AARP is providing opportunities to connect and help build an even stronger Connecticut for all ages to live, work and play. Visit the AARP Events webpage for more information and to sign up for events and activities.
  • AgingCT – the CT Areas on Aging serve CT residents who are aging. They provide a variety of supports to individuals and their family members and caregivers. Visit for more information. 
  • AgeWellCT – Find activities, resources, senior centers, caregiver supports and more by visiting the AgeWellCT website.
  • Bridging the Digital Divide program – helps individuals with disabilities and older adults to learn how to utilize their technology and turn on accessibility features like magnification, text to speech, etc. For older adults, technology such as tablets or basic smart home tech or hot spot connectivity may also be provided, in addition to training. Visit the CT Tech Act Project’s Bridging the Digital Divide webpage for details on who to call and how to start the process for receiving services. (Note:  this program ends on 9/30/2024).
  • Senior Planet: Kickstart your learning journey today with free technology classes, invigorating exercise programs, and engaging discussion groups designed exclusively for seniors. Visit the Senior Planet website to view classes and learn more. 
  • Additional Resources for Older Adults in CT are available from the 211 Infoline website.