
Bridging the Digital Divide Program

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Bridging the Digital Divide Program

A collaboration between the Department of Aging & Disability Services (ADS) Bureau on Aging & the CT Tech Act Project (CTTAP).

Our goal is to help bridge the digital divide by providing one on one or group services to adults with disabilities (18 and older) and aging adults (60 and older).

Services to individuals include:

  • Increase access to technology & technology use
  • Provide tech support, troubleshooting, & teach built in device accessibility features
  • Increase access to the community, virtual programming & telehealth to reduce social isolation
  • Connect Individuals to community resources for ongoing supports
  • Provide instruction on Artificial Intelligence (AI) to help ensure people with disabilities and older adults do not fall further behind with this new technology.
  • Provide tablet technology if needed, and there is no other source available to help provide it.
Older woman sitting in her dining room, showcasing the iPad she received from the Bridging the Digital Divide program.
Digital Divide coordinator, Miriam from UCP, showing a woman with a disability how to use a tablet and trackball mouse

Why connect with a Digital Divide Coordinator (DDC)?

If you or an individual you work with has technology but struggles to use it and would benefit from some training & support, such as

  • Connecting to their Wi Fi
  • Learning to use social media to connect to family and friends
  • Learning to use virtual platforms like Zoom, Teams or virtual community services
  • Learning how to access and use built in accessibility features in their devices, such as speech to text, magnification, text to speech, etc.
  • Learning about AI and how to benefit from using it, what are the pros and cons, and how to spot AI phishing attempts.

Services to Senior Centers using the Virtual Senior Platform:

If your center is one of the original centers, working with the Bureau on Aging and the Virtual Senior Platform (VSC), you can benefit from support from the Digital Divide Coordiantor to help you clients connect to and utilize the VSC.

Older man smiling at the camera sitting at his home office


The Bridging the Digital Divide program is open and ready to serve Connecticut residents. If you or someone you know are interested in connecting with a Digital Divide Coordinator please use the contact information below:

Contact the CT Tech Act Project for more information by using the Contact Us feature on our website or calling 860-803-0588. You can contact a DDC directly at the following:

NEAT Center – serving Litchfield Hartford, Tolland & Windham Counties, Call (860) 286-3101 or email

UCP of Eastern CT – serving Fairfield, New Haven, Middlesex & New London Counties. Call 860-288-9520 or email

The Connecticut Bridging the Digital Divide program is now funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) along with the Older Americans Act funds through the Administration for Community Living.


Access Through Technology (ATT)

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Access through Technology

We can provide a full assessment, a range of equipment and training to eligible individuals who have a combination of Deafness & Blindness (low vision and hearing loss)

and meet the income requirements. ​

The FCC has selected the CT Tech Act Project as the Certified Program the National Deaf Blind Equipment Distribution Program to provide equipment needed to make telecommunications, advanced communications, and the Internet accessible to low-income individuals who have both significant vision loss and significant hearing loss.​ ​

There is no cost to eligible individuals to receive assessments, equipment and training.​

Significant vision loss is defined as having at least one of the following conditions:

  • Visual acuity of 20/200 or less in the better eye with corrective lenses
  • A field defect such that the peripheral diameter of the visual field is no greater than 20 degrees
  • Progressive visual loss with a prognosis leading to one or both of above condition.
Woman with low vision and her colleague looking at a laptop
Sisters showcasing their laptops and cellphones they received from the Access Through Technology program, sitting on a sofa smiling at the camera

Significant hearing loss is defined as having at least one of the following conditions:

  • Chronic hearing disabilities so severe that most speech cannot be understood with optimum amplification
  • Progressive hearing loss having a prognosis leading to above condition

Income guidelines:

  • Household income within 400 % of federal poverty level.
  • Income guidelines for the current year can be found on the National iCanConnect website. 


For More Information:

man with low vision tying on an alternate keyboard with an audio recorder next to him.

AT Recycling

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AT Recycling

AT Recycling - Recycling or Reusing AT devices gives new life to gently used Assistive Technology equipment.

NEAT Center staff refurbishing a walker as part of their Equipment Recycling Program

You can donate devices that are no longer needed and find good, used equipment for much less than purchasing it brand new. ​ ​

Our AT Partner, the NEAT Center at Oakhill can accept your donations and they have an inventory of used Durable Medical Equipment, such as wheelchairs, scooters, and more. ​ ​

Contact the NEAT Adaptive Equipment Reuse Program directly at 860-243-2869 or visit their website:


AT Device Loans

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AT Device Loan

An AT Device Loan allows a person to borrow a device for a short period of time to help decide if the device will meet the person’s needs. CTTAP offers several AT Device Loan programs through various partner agencies. There may be some eligibility criteria for a device loan – contact each agency directly for more information on their AT Device Loan programs.

Image of a hand using a joystick mouse

Obtain a Loan From One of Our Partner Agencies

An AT Device Loan allows you to borrow a device for a short period of time to use it where you need it - at home, school, work, or the community. Borrowing an AT devices helps you decide if the device will meet your needs. Try it before you buy it! You can contact one of our AT partners listed below to see if they have the device you're looking for, to learn about any eligibility criteria or for a device loan and to learn more about their AT Device Loan programs.


The ACES Assistive Technology Services Department consists of multiple highly-trained Assistive Technology (AT) professionals with backgrounds in Speech Language Pathology, Special Education, and Occupational Therapy. ACES now provides AT device demonstrations and device loans as a new partner for the CT Tech Act Project. Visit ACES Assistive Technology websitefor more information.

SCSU Center for Educational and Assistive Technology

SCSU Center for Educational and Assistive Technology offers AT device loans of laptops, tablets and smart pens, primarily to SCSU students with disabilities and to surrounding schools (K-12). Contact CEAT for more information or visit the CEAT webpage.


CREC offers AT device loans to their consortium members. They have a wide variety of devices focusing primarily on education and communication. Contact CREC and visit the CREC Assistive Technology webpage for more details.

SERC Library

SERC Library  offers AT device loans to individuals with disabilities and family members and educators. You can view their AT device lending library at the SERC website or contact SERC for more information.


EASTCONN offers AT device loans to school districts who are members of the EASTCONN AT consortium. Contact EASTCONN and visit the EASTCONN’s Assistive Technology Lending Library webpage for more details.

UCP of Eastern CT

UCP of Eastern CT offers AT device loans to individuals with disabilities of any age, family members, and others. Contact UCP or visit the UCP AT Lending Library webpage for more details or to view their inventory.

Meriden ATECH

Meriden ATECH offers AT device loans with a robust inventory of items that can be viewed on the ATECH Lending Library webpage

NEAT Center at Oak Hill

NEAT Center at Oak Hill offers AT device loans to individuals with disabilities and others. They offer an array of AT devices. Contact NEAT or visit the NEAT website for more details.


AT Device Demo

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AT Device Demo

A man with a hat posing with a smile next to his MedMinder device

Schedule a Device Demo to Make an informed Decision

An AT Device Demonstration gives you the chance to have a hands on (or virtual) experience with an AT device, learn about the different features and compare with other similar devices. An AT Device Demonstration allows you to make an informed decision about whether the device is the right one for you. If it's not the right one, that's okay! We want to help you make a good decision about a device and we can do several AT device demonstrations until you find what you are looking for. You can schedule a AT Device Demonstration by contacting one of the CTTAP partner agencies listed below.


The ACES Assistive Technology Services Department consists of multiple highly-trained Assistive Technology (AT) professionals with backgrounds in Speech Language Pathology, Special Education, and Occupational Therapy. ACES now provides AT device demonstrations and device loans as a new partner for the CT Tech Act Project. Visit ACES Assistive Technology websitefor more information.

NEAT Center at Oak Hill

NEAT Center at Oak Hill offers AT device demos to individuals with disabilities, family members, and others. Contact NEAT or visit the NEAT website for more details.


CREC offers AT device demos to their consortium members. Contact CREC and visit the CREC Assistive Technology webpage for more details.

SERC Library

SERC Library offers AT device demos to individuals with disabilities and family members and educators at their AT Corner located in the SERC library in Waterbury, CT. Contact SERC staff or visit the SERC website for more details.


EASTCONN offers AT device demos to their consortium members. Contact EASTCONN and visit the EASTCONN’s Assistive Technology webpage for more details.

UCP of Eastern CT

UCP of Eastern CToffers AT device demos to individuals with disabilities, family members, and others. Contact UCP or visit the UCP AT website for more details.​​

Meriden ATECH

Meriden ATECH offers AT device demos to individuals with disabilities and family members as well as to providers and their staff. Visit the ATECH website for more details.

You can also contact the CT Tech Act Project directly via the CT Tech Act Project Contact Us page for additional resources, information and device demonstrations.


AT Loan Program

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The Assistive Technology Loan Program (ATLP)

ATLP is a low-interest financial loan to help individuals with disabilities or their family members purchase Assistive Technology devices and services needed to enhance independence and/or functioning in the community, education and/or employment.

The Assistive Technology Loan Program (ATLP)

The Program is a low-interest financial loan to help individuals with disabilities or their family members purchase Assistive Technology devices and services needed to enhance independence and/or functioning in the community, education and/or employment.

Tips & Facts About the AT Loan Program

The Connecticut Tech Act Project’s Assistive Technology Loan Program assists Connecticut citizens with disabilities and older adults to obtain the assistive technology devices and services they need to enhance independence and productivity in the community, education and employment with an improved quality of life.

Who can apply for a loan?

An individual with a disability / older adult, parent, guardian, family member or legal representative of the person with the disability who:

* Has been a resident of Connecticut for at least 1 year
* And has a disability that permanently affects a major life activity

Young woman in cook's outfit, utilizing a standing wheelchair, as she stirs a pot in an industrial kitchen. She has a big smile on her face.
A young woman sitting in her wheelchair at a desk with a young man reviewing a binder of papers.

What can I borrow money for?

A broad range of assistive technology devices and services, such as:

* Wheelchairs and scooters
* Braille note takers / equipment
* Assistive listening devices
* Augmentative communication devices
* Electronic aids to daily living
* Visual aids with voice output or magnifying features
* Computers and adaptive peripherals
* Home modifications for accessibility
* Motor vehicles that have/need modifications
* Assistance / Service Animals
* Training to learn how to use the AT device

How much can I borrow and for how long?

Loan amounts are generally from $500 to $30,000. Loan terms vary from one (1) year to (10) years – depending on the amount of the loan and the typical life of the AT being purchased through the loan. If you would like to use a Loan Calculator to get an idea of what your monthly payments might be you can visit the Northwest Access Fund to use their friendly Loan Calculator. Please note: numbers obtain from this Loan Calculator are for informational purposes only and are not a guarantee of loan approval or loan amounts.

Who appoves my loan?

The ATLP Program Manager reviewed the application for completeness and makes recommendation to CTTAP Program Director for decision. Once approval is made, the Program Manager will work with Berkshire Bank to process the loan and schedule the closing. Approval takes an average of two weeks to a month.

Young boy, Adrian, sitting in his wheelchair surrounded by family and team who helped him get modified van, in the background.

how do i sign up?

For assistance filling out an application, to request an alternative format, or to check on the status of your application, call The Connecticut Tech Act Project at (860) 876-9595, toll free in CT at (800) 537-2549 or send an email via our website.