cttap services
Bridging the Digital Divide Program
A collaboration between the Department of Aging & Disability Services (ADS) Bureau on Aging & the CT Tech Act Project (CTTAP).

Our goal is to help bridge the digital divide by providing one on one or group services to adults with disabilities (18 and older) and aging adults (60 and older).
Services to individuals include:
- Increase access to technology & technology use
- Provide tech support, troubleshooting, & teach built in device accessibility features
- Increase access to the community, virtual programming & telehealth to reduce social isolation
- Connect Individuals to community resources for ongoing supports
- Provide instruction on Artificial Intelligence (AI) to help ensure people with disabilities and older adults do not fall further behind with this new technology.
- Provide tablet technology if needed, and there is no other source available to help provide it.

Why connect with a Digital Divide Coordinator (DDC)?
If you or an individual you work with has technology but struggles to use it and would benefit from some training & support, such as
- Connecting to their Wi Fi
- Learning to use social media to connect to family and friends
- Learning to use virtual platforms like Zoom, Teams or virtual community services
- Learning how to access and use built in accessibility features in their devices, such as speech to text, magnification, text to speech, etc.
- Learning about AI and how to benefit from using it, what are the pros and cons, and how to spot AI phishing attempts.
Services to Senior Centers using the Virtual Senior Platform:
If your center is one of the original centers, working with the Bureau on Aging and the Virtual Senior Platform (VSC), you can benefit from support from the Digital Divide Coordiantor to help you clients connect to and utilize the VSC.

The Bridging the Digital Divide program is open and ready to serve Connecticut residents. If you or someone you know are interested in connecting with a Digital Divide Coordinator please use the contact information below:
Contact the CT Tech Act Project for more information by using the Contact Us feature on our website or calling 860-803-0588. You can contact a DDC directly at the following:
NEAT Center – serving Litchfield Hartford, Tolland & Windham Counties, Call (860) 286-3101 or email Nicole.Feeney@oakhillct.org
UCP of Eastern CT – serving Fairfield, New Haven, Middlesex & New London Counties. Call 860-288-9520 or email DDC@ucpect.org
The Connecticut Bridging the Digital Divide program is now funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) along with the Older Americans Act funds through the Administration for Community Living.