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AT Partner agency staff testing out the VR headsets

We had a great turnout for the recent Virtual Reality In-person Demo with Bo Zamfir from SCSU, Center for Educational & Assistive Technology & Matt Berkowitz from FloreoVR. It was wonderful to have so many of our community AT Partners together. The participation, energy, questions and feedback were amazing!

VR Counselors Erin Z and Laura S trying out the Virtual Reality headsets

Virtual Reality is a great way to provide immersive experiences, whether it’s for younger, neurodivergent individuals or teenagers and adults learning training skills, pre-vocational services, or job readiness. The CT Tech Act Project and SCSU/CEAT will work together to have multiple VR headsets along with the FloreoVR and another virtual reality software program called BodySwap available for CT Tech Act Project AT Partner agencies to borrow and use with their students and adults with disabilities, providing greater access to this cutting-edge technology.

Nigel from ATECH volunteers to try the FloreoVR software for the group.

We also plan to work with our AT partners who have 3D printers to create several adaptive cuffs to allow users with varying abilities be able to hold and utilize the controllers.

If you are an individual who is interested in trying a virtual reality headset contact an AT Partner agency near you.